
【周六】PET双语桌游趴,与朋友们一起快乐的逗智逗勇吧 | PET Bilingual Board Game Nigh...

Sat, 30 Mar 2024 19:30:00 GMT+08 ~ Sat, 30 Mar 2024 22:30:00 GMT+08


  • ¥49

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重要提示:What is a better way to start the weekend than to chill out, network, meet new friends and play social games at our Friday night in a great place, like a convenient terrace with a lot of interesting people.
Introduction / 内容介绍
CBD Board Game night just got more thrilling. Bring your poker face and wit, it's going to be an epic battle of lies, logic and laughs! Join the game - where deception meets delight!
We have different board games for different numbers of people: CodeNames/Coup for 4-6 people; DiXit/Avalon for 6-10 people, and the Werewolf and Blood on Tower for 10+. According to everyone's opinion, we will play in groups or together.
Play in English? Don't worry about how to express yourself. We prepare a training on common expressions and gaming strategy before the game.
用英语玩? 不用担心如何表达,游戏前会有详细的常用表达与基本玩法的讲解。
Avalon usually requires 5-10 players and is a social deduction game suitable for parties and making new friends. You may have played similar games such as Werewolf and Mafia. Those titles have their merits, but Avalon works great because players don't die - meaning no one gets left out of the fun. Compared with other two games, it focuses more on the game's interactivity and players' logical reasoning and analysis ability.
That's Codenames – a fast paced party game that's sure to keep the whole group entertained, great for families, friends, and total strangers alike.
Dixit is a French-originated board game that is widely popular and available in numerous languages. The game promotes creativity for both children and adults through the art of storytelling.
There's no problem that can't be solved by one round of werewolf, or get another. Werewolf is the most popular party game for young people to get know new friends and have great fun. You don't need to worry about awkward conversation, it can make all strangers laugh and scold in a flash. If you want to relax on weekends, just come and join us.
Weekend Party 周末聚会
It's time to mingle in the wonderful night~ Don't miss the chance to meet your old friends and get to know new amazing people.
来点轻音乐,加上冰爽的啤酒或鲜艳的鸡尾酒 不只是放松心情 还可以了解一下老朋友们的近况 认识一下不同行业的新朋友 聊聊天,扯扯谈~
During the activity, you can choose to participate in the game or talk with friends, or be alone

Host / 主持人
alex / Community Organizer
Hi friends, I'm Alex, a very atypical IT guy. In addition to programming, I also like to learn different languages and cultures, read English books, travel in different places,  play social latin dances(salsa) and improvisation. Due to the open and positive mindset, I created an English speaking social group in June 2011, which is called "Post English Time". My goal is to make it a reliable, valuable and interesting English community focusing on life experience sharing and personal growth. I have worked in different IT/Internet companies for many years, now I'm working on my own project - PET. I hope to be friends and have fun conversations with you.

Attention / 注意事项
Please sign up in advance, or pay extra ¥30
The event will be cancelled if the number of participants is less than 1/3 of the expected number
If you're unable to attend, please postpone the participation on the registration page. If refunded, deduct 10% registration fee.
Event / 活动信息
Time / 时间
2024/03/30 Sat 19:30 - 22:30
2024/03/30 周六 19:30点 - 22:30点
Number / 人数
30 people around
Fee / 费用
49¥, With 20¥ coupon
49元, 包含20元代金券
Address / 地址
Maan Coffee, 23 Yaojiayuan Road, Chaoyang District
朝阳区姚家园路23号  漫咖啡
Contact / 联系主办方
PostEnglishTime, Speak English, make friends, be interested in people and connect the world
PET is a high-quality network of English-speaking international youth in Beijing. We organize various social activities and provide various community services. Our mission is to build a high-quality community of locals or expats who are interested in culture, language, technology, and humanities.

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